Course Descriptions

Click on a course below to view the course description and course outline.

New to the Industry

ISO 9001:2015 Documentation, Interpretation and Implementation

Course Content

This one-day class is targeted for those people responsible for the development and maintenance of a Quality Management System meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, as well as key process owners. This class will provide a walk-through of the standard as well as point out major requirements and offer commentary on how to successfully implement them. We will also identify opportunities to use the standard to improve your organization and offer final thoughts on implementation.

Who Should Attend

Those who are new to their industry, job and ISO. This course would also be good for those individuals who have been removed from ISO for a while and need to update their knowledge base. Quality Managers and other quality staff and managers interested in implementing or improving their quality management system to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and use this approach to improve organizational performance would benefit from this class.


Attendees are required to have read and be familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.  Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Quality, Systems and Standards
  • How ISO works
  • ISO Myths and Realities
  • ISO Concepts
    • Systems Thinking
    • Quality Concepts
    • Management, Leadership and Improvement
  • The Importance of Interested Parties and Context of the Organization
  • Design and documentation of your system
  • Importance of the Quality Manual and documented policies
  • Risk Management and your Business System
  • Competence
  • Operational Controls
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Corrective Action, Risk Management and Continual Improvement
  • Implementation Strategy and Tactics and avoiding common mistakes

ISO 14001:2015 Documentation, Interpretation and Implementation

Course Content

SRI has prepared this one-day course course to comprehensively cover the new requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and provide a practical understanding of how to implement and audit an Environmental Management System (EMS). It also includes an overview of the various methods for investigating nonconformities to ensure effective corrective action. It was designed to demonstrate the evolution of the standard from the 2004 version and to improve comprehension of the range of flexibility in designing and improving an EMS. It is intended for everyone regardless of experience with the standards. For those with established systems, it encourages upgrades to align with modern techniques and concepts of environmental management and business sustainability. The enhanced alignment and ability to integrate with other business management standards will be explored along with the risk-based approach specifically as it applies to system design and improvement, overall environmental management and internal auditing.

Who Should Attend

Those who are new to their industry, job and ISO. This course would also be good for those individuals who have been removed from ISO for a while and need to update their knowledge base. Quality Managers and other quality staff and managers interested in implementing or improving their quality management system to meet the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and use this approach to improve organizational performance would benefit from this class.


Attendees are required to have read and be familiar with the ISO 14001:2015 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material.  Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 14001:2015 standard.  Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Background of environmental management and systems approach
  • What can ISO 14001 do for your company?
  • Annex SL and comparison with other standards
  • Key differences between the 2004 and 2015 versions
  • General EMS approach
  • Determining scope and understanding the organization’s context
  • Management responsibilities and leadership commitment
  • Defining the policy and understanding its function
  • Understanding and effective use of the risk-based approach
  • Aspects and how to determine significance
  • Effective identification and management of compliance obligations
  • Setting and achieving environmental objectives
  • Using effective and sustainable resources to support the EMS
  • Beyond training: defining competence and achieving awareness
  • Communication methods to support effective management
  • Proper use and management of documented information
  • Controlling operations to manage risk
  • Emergency preparedness and response
  • Evaluating and analyzing performance and compliance
  • Internal audit requirements
  • Management review
  • Identification of nonconformities and taking corrective actions
  • Using data to correct and continually improve
  • Integration opportunities with other SL-based standards

ISO 45001:2018 Deltas - An Overview of the ISO 45001:2018 Standard and Differences from OHSAS 18001:2007

Course Content

SRI has organized this one-day training class to assist organizations that want to convert their existing OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system to the new ISO 45001:2018 standard. This class is intended for management personnel responsible for establishing or maintaining the OH&S management system. The new standard is structured in the same uniform structure used for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, enabling integrated management activities such as internal auditing and management reviews. The new standard also integrates risk identification and change management to create a dynamic OH&S system that keeps pace with organizational changes. ISO 45001 moves from a reactive system responding to past concerns to a proactive system that anticipates future risk and develops plans to mitigate that risk. It also uses a more participative strategy to involve interested parties in planning.

Who Should Attend

Environmental Management System professionals and auditors who wish to upgrade their capabilities to apply ISO 45001:2018. OH&S and Environmental professionals who want to apply their auditing skills to management system audits, and Experienced Quality Management System Auditors who wish to extend their knowledge to ISO 45001:2018 would also benefit from this class.


Attendees are required to have read and be familiar with the ISO 45001:2018 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 45001:2018 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • ISO 45001:2018 Background
  • ISO 45001:2018 Standard and Implementation Overview
    • Breakdown of the clauses
    • Comparison of OHSAS 18001:2007 clauses to the ISO 45001:2018

Risk Management and Management Systems

Course Content

SRI Training has created this one-day overview of the ISO 31000 standard for risk management. This course will provide an overview of the ISO 31000 standard and how it can be used to help strengthen your quality management system through application of risk management concepts. The course will include some practical examples and offer some workshops to give students an opportunity to practice use of risk management techniques.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of risk and risk management.


There are no prerequisites for this class.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material.

Learning Objectives

  • Risk management principles and framework
  • Risk assessment, identification and analysis
  • Risk evaluation and treatment
  • Risk tools

Root Cause Analysis Effective Corrective Action

Course Content

This course was created in response to the following situation:

  • Many audits have revealed a lack of effective corrective action;
  • Many nonconformances remain unresolved or emerge again to create customer dissatisfaction and audit nonconformances;
  • Records reveal a lack of understanding and implementation of disciplined tools.

This practical, interactive, one-day training program is designed to provide quality professionals with an understanding of the processes and techniques that lead to root cause analysis and effective corrective action. The course presents the context and the tools for determining the root cause of nonconformances which will allow for the implementation of effective corrective action. Presented through case studies and group workshop exercises, this course will strengthen your ability to take the fundamental step for continual improvement.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who is interested in helping their organizations improve their performance.


No prerequisites are required for this class.


Attendees will be provided a binder of presentation material.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction
  • ISO and Corrective Action
  • The Plan Do Check Act Cycle
  • An 8 D Approach to Corrective Action
  • Correction, root cause analysis and corrective action
  • A Tool Box for Corrective Action – five basic tools for success

Executive Overview of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015

Course Content

This four-hour class was is designed to provide an executive-level overview of the ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards. The main purpose of this class is to highlight the benefits of becoming certified and the increasing value that becoming certified provides to companies.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who is interested in becoming certified in ISO 9001:2015 or ISO 14001:2015 and wants a brief overview of the benefits of both.


No prerequisites are required for this class.


Attendees will be provided a binder of presentation material.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction
  • High level overview of ISO 9001:2015
  • High level overview of ISO 14001:2015

This course can also be broken into an ISO 9001:2015 overview or an ISO 14001:2015 overview.


ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018 Integrated Management System Standards

Course Content

This two-day course will explain how the two standards integrate together and how this can be applied to your company. With an overview of the standards including material on risk management, this course offers insight into what is required from ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018 standards and how to apply them into their company.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018 standards.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018 standards. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Integration Overview.
  • Risk
  • ISO 9001:2015 overview of clauses
  • ISO 22000:2018 overview of clauses

Auditing Management Systems - Guidance from ISO 19011:2018

Course Content

This two-day course will provide an overview of how to audit a management system using the ISO 19011:2018 standard. This standard is used as a guideline in all other standards for auditing. This course will go over audit requirements and how to apply auditing methods to current management systems.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of auditing standards and how to apply the concepts into their company.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 19011:2018 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 19011:2018 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the different types of audits
  • ISO 19011:2018 clause overview
  • Audit roles and responsibilities
  • Audit trail
  • Case studies and examples

Automotive Standard

IATF 16949:2016 Internal Auditor

Course Content

This first edition of the automotive quality management system standard, IATF 16949, is now a separate standard from ISO 9001:2015, which remains the base requirements for IATF registration. You will need qualified internal auditors to implement both internal audits as well as new second party audit requirements of the standard.

This 3-day course is designed for both new internal auditors and experienced internal auditors who require training to the updated standard. Course participants will complete an in-depth review of ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:2016, and the tools to effectively prepare and conduct internal audits. Attendees will participate in individual and group exercises and case studies that will apply current industry accepted audit techniques (ISO 19011:2011) to ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:2016 requirements and the latest IATF Rules 5thEdition. We will also discuss the optional approaches to satisfying the new requirements.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers, Engineers, Process Owners and Internal Auditors who would like to learn how to audit to the IATF 16949:2016 standard.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the IATF 16949:2016 Specifications and IATF 16949:2016 Fifth Edition Rules standards.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the IATF 16949:2016 Fifth Edition Rules and IATF 16949:2016 Specifications standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction to IATF 16949:2016
  • Key Changes Affecting Internal Audits
  • Auditing Principles
  • Corrective Actions
  • IATF 16949:2016 Quality Management System Requirements

AIAG Core Tools

Course Content

The Automotive Core Tools are very powerful methods to define, establish, understand and improve your manufacturing processes. IATF 16949 requires the use of the five tools of Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), Statistical Process Control (SPC) & Production Part Approval Process (PPAP). The course is designed to provide an awareness of the purpose and practical application of these Core Tools. The course reviews the relationship between the five core tools and their application within IATF 16949:2016. Starting with an examination of the AIAG reference manuals, followed by instruction on the more common approaches, we then utilize workshops to provide hands on experience with each tool.

Who Should Attend

The audience for this course includes Quality Managers, Engineers, Process Owners and Internal Auditors.


Attendees are required to have read and be familiar with the IATF 16949:2016 Rules 5th Edition, IATF 16949:2016 Specifications and the five Core Tools references manuals.


Attendees will be provided with a copy of the course presentation material.  Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, IATF 16949:2016 Rules, IATF 16949:2016 Specifications and the five Core Tools reference manuals. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction to the Core Tools and their relationship with IATF 16949
  • The Sequence of the tools
  • Advanced Product Quality Planning – the overall organizational tool Process Definition through Flow Charting
  • Failure Mode Effects Analysis to understand risks
  • Control Plan development to mitigate/control the identified risks
  • Measurement Systems Analysis to evaluate the inherent measurement system error Statistical Process Control to understand and reduce product and process variation Production Part Approval Process leading to customer approval of the part/process

Internal Auditing

ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor

Course Content

This two-day training will assist your organization in developing and implementing an internal audit program as an important tool for your quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. This class is designed to assist students in gaining a greater understanding of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and using that knowledge to implement an important tool for providing performance evaluation to management that leads to continual improvement. The course is based on guidance from ISO 19011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems which is the basis for all ISO system auditing.  The course is designed for individuals who are starting their ISO and internal audit journey as it presents basic information and scenarios as learning tools. The course is fast paced with considerable student interaction required for success. The class is divided into audit teams which are expected to cooperate in learning ISO requirements and audit concepts and then using that knowledge in addressing audit problems presented in increasingly demanding scenarios. The class includes a total of 14 workshop/scenario exercises. The class is updated on a regular basis to reflect the latest guidelines for auditing from the ISO accreditation bodies. The latest version addresses new requirements including auditing for risk and risk management.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing. Both novice and experienced internal auditors who wish to significantly improve their effectiveness.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • ISO 9001 in the world and the U.S.
  • ISO 9000 definitions of Quality, Quality Systems, Requirements and Standards
  • Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model and how it relates to the new ISO 9001
  • The 7 Principles for the new standard
  • Fundamentals of Internal Auditing defined by ISO 19011
  • Internal audit roles and responsibilities
  • Internal auditing to the Process Approach
  • How to write a nonconformity
  • Nonconformance versus noncompliance
  • Methods for ensuring good corrective actions
  • A basic understanding of ISO 9001:2015 requirements
  • A working understanding of auditing tools and techniques
    • How to understand audit criteria
    • How to develop audit evidence
    • How to assess audit evidence
    • How to reach an audit finding
    • How to write a finding including a nonconformance
    • How to explain the reasoning behind a finding
    • How to conduct an audit interview
  • Audit planning and preparation
  • Audit roles and responsibilities
  • The audit cycle and documenting the audit trail
  • Process auditing
  • Auditing and risk management

ISO 9001:2015 Advanced Internal Auditor

Course Content

This three-day class will provide information that will assist your organization in developing and implementing a quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The class and presentation materials are designed to provide your ISO project team with an understanding of the ISO 9001:2015 requirements and offer development and deployment strategies that will assist you in effectively implementing a management system that meets the requirements of the standard along with the needs of your organization and other interested parties including your customers. It addresses important issues of development including documentation requirements and deployment approaches. Important aspects of deployment include requirements for training and competency, risk management, management of change, management of external providers of products and services, management review, internal audits, and corrective action. It will also cover how to correct nonconformities. The class uses an interactive approach requiring student involvement in case studies and problem solving to gain a deeper understanding of the requirements and their use in improving your management system.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for internal auditors who are interested in expanding on their auditing knowledge


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 standard and to have experience as an internal auditor.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction to quality systems and standards
  • ISO objectives and principles
  • ISO 9001:2015 overview
  • Auditing methods and concepts
  • Process audits
  • Review of ISO 9001:015 and creating audit questions
  • The Audit Cycle – PDCA
  • Audit roles and responsibilites
  • Risk mangement
  • Case studies

ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 20000-1 IT Internal Auditor

Course Content

This two-day course is designed to assist your organization in developing and implementing an internal audit program as an important tool for your quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000-IT standards. This class is designed to assist students in gaining a greater understanding of both standards and using that knowledge to implement an important tool for providing performance evaluation to management that leads to continual improvement. The course is based on guidance from ISO 19011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems which is the basis for all ISO system auditing.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 20000-IT standards.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 20000-IT standards. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Quality systems and standards
  • ISO 9001 and 22000 common concepts
  • Audit basics: definitions and concepts
  • Audit roles and responsibilities
  • The audit trail
  • Clauses overview
  • Case studies

ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditor

Course Content

This three-day course offers insight into the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the ISO 14001:2015 standard and the ISO 45001:2018 standard and how to audit to each standard’s criteria. There will be standard overviews as well as auditing examples to show how to successfully implement each standard to your company’s management system.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed primarily for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standards and internal auditing.


Attendees are required to have read and be familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the ISO 14001:2015 standard and the ISO 45001:2018 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copies of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • ISO 9001:2015 Overview
  • ISO 14001:2015 Overview
  • ISO 45001:2015 Overview
  • Internal Auditing to each standard
  • Case Studies

ISO 14001:2015 Internal Auditor

Course Content

SRI has prepared this two-day course to comprehensively cover the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and provide a practical understanding of how to implement and audit an Environmental Management System (EMS). It also includes an overview method for internal auditing. For those with established systems, it encourages upgrades to align with modern techniques and concepts of environmental management and business sustainability. The enhanced alignment and ability to integrate with other business management standards will be explored along with the risk-based approach specifically as it applies to system design and improvement, overall environmental management and internal auditing.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 14001:2015 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 14001:2015 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • ISO 14001:2015 Overview
  • Environmental Management System Overview
  • ISO 14001:2015 Clauses
  • Internal Auditing Overview
  • Examples and Case Studies

ISO 27001:2013 Internal Auditor

Course Content

This two-day course was designed to assist those organizations who have or are seeking certification to ISO 27001 Information Security Management. The course will introduce students to the concept of management system standards and the common threads found in the three standards. It will also introduce the student to the concept of auditing as found in ISO 19011 Guidelines for auditing management systems. The course will include an overview of the requirements for the standard. It will start with auditing concepts and the process approach. An overview of ISO 27001 will follow. The class will be given exercises based on real scenarios that could be addressed by either standard. Class work is hands on and the class is broken up into audit teams who work together to assess evidence and develop audit findings. The class emphasizes the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle found in all ISO management system standards as well as using the process approach in auditing.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 27001:2013 standard


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 27001:2013 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Audit basics, definitions and concepts (based on ISO 19011)
  • The audit cycle, process and PDCA
  • Contents of the ISO 27001:2013 standard

ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditor

Course Content

This two-day course was created to provide information that will assist your organization in developing and implementing an internal audit program as an important tool for your quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 standard. This class is designed to assist students in gaining a greater understanding of the ISO 45001:2018 standard and using that knowledge to implement an important tool for providing performance evaluation to management that leads to continual improvement. The course is based on guidance from ISO 19011 Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems which is the basis for all ISO system auditing. It is designed for individuals who are starting their ISO and internal audit journey as it presents basic information and scenarios as learning tools. The course is fast paced with considerable student interaction required for success. The class is divided into audit teams which are expected to cooperate in learning ISO requirements and audit concepts and then using that knowledge in addressing audit problems presented in increasingly demanding scenarios. While designed for beginners to the subject, many former students return to refresh their skills and catch up on the latest auditing approaches.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed primarily for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing.


Attendees are required to have read and be familiar with the ISO 45001:2018 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copies of the ISO 45001:2018 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • General background information
  • Internal auditing to ISO 19011
  • Root cause analysis and corrective action
  • ISO 45001:2018 standard and implementation

AS 9100 Revision D Internal Auditor

Course Content

SRI Training has organized this training class to provide information that will assist your organization in developing and implementing an internal audit program as an important tool for your quality management system that meets the requirements of the AS 9100 Rev. D standard. This class is designed to assist students in gaining a greater understanding of the AS 9100 D standard and using that knowledge to implement an important tool for providing performance evaluation to management that leads to continual improvement. The course is based on guidance from ISO 19011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems which is the basis for all ISO system auditing. It is designed for individuals who are starting their internal audit journey as it presents basic information and scenarios as learning tools. The course is fast paced with considerable student interaction required for success. While designed for beginners to the subject, many former students return to refresh their skills and catch up on the latest auditing approaches.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing. This course will also be beneficial for Internal Auditors knowledgeable with AS9100 and/or individuals designated by their organization to become internal auditors to the AS9100 Standard.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the AS 9100 Revision D standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the AS 9100 Revision D standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.


Learning Objectives

  • Purpose of the Internal Audit
  • AS 9100 Revision D Requirements
  • Audit Terms and Definitions of ISO 19011:2011
  • Principles of Auditing ISO 19011:2011
  • Managing the Audit Program to ISO 19011:2011
  • Performing the Audit to ISO 19011:2011
  • Competence and Evaluation of Auditors
  • Case Studies

Virtual Courses and Webinars

Virtual ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor

Course Content

Our virtual training courses are the exact same material that is given in our public courses, just administered online. This format of training  will help reduce time away from your job while still obtaining the training that you need. You’ll receive all the same benefits of SRI’s classroom sessions but in a virtual classroom environment. Each week our instructor, who is a lead auditor, will host a live session via GotoMeeting to review questions and lead a discussion relevant to the topics covered during the week. After successful completion of the course, you will receive your CEU credits and a certificate.

This six-week training will assist your organization in developing and implementing an internal audit program as an important tool for your quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. This class is designed to assist students in gaining a greater understanding of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and using that knowledge to implement an important tool for providing performance evaluation to management that leads to continual improvement. The course is based on guidance from ISO 19011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems which is the basis for all ISO system auditing.  The course is designed for individuals who are starting their ISO and internal audit journey as it presents basic information and scenarios as learning tools. The course is fast paced with considerable student interaction required for success. The class is divided into audit teams which are expected to cooperate in learning ISO requirements and audit concepts and then using that knowledge in addressing audit problems presented in increasingly demanding scenarios. The class includes a total of 14 workshop/scenario exercises. The class is updated on a regular basis to reflect the latest guidelines for auditing from the ISO accreditation bodies. The latest version addresses new requirements including auditing for risk and risk management.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing. Both novice and experienced internal auditors who wish to significantly improve their effectiveness.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Attendees will be provided with presentation material. Attendees are required to purchase their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • ISO 9001 in the world and the U.S.
  • ISO 9000 definitions of Quality, Quality Systems, Requirements and Standards
  • Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model and how it relates to the new ISO 9001
  • The 7 Principles for the new standard
  • Fundamentals of Internal Auditing defined by ISO 19011
  • Internal audit roles and responsibilities
  • Internal auditing to the Process Approach
  • How to write a nonconformity
  • Nonconformance versus noncompliance
  • Methods for ensuring good corrective actions
  • A basic understanding of ISO 9001:2015 requirements
  • A working understanding of auditing tools and techniques
    • How to understand audit criteria
    • How to develop audit evidence
    • How to assess audit evidence
    • How to reach an audit finding
    • How to write a finding including a nonconformance
    • How to explain the reasoning behind a finding
    • How to conduct an audit interview
  • Audit planning and preparation
  • Audit roles and responsibilities
  • The audit cycle and documenting the audit trail
  • Process auditing
  • Auditing and risk management

Virtual ISO 9001:2015 Documentation, Interpretation and Implementation

Course Content

Our virtual training courses are the exact same material that is given in our public courses, just administered online. This format of training  will help reduce time away from your job while still obtaining the training that you need. You’ll receive all the same benefits of SRI’s classroom sessions but in a virtual classroom environment. Each week our instructor, who is a lead auditor, will host a live session via GotoMeeting to review questions and lead a discussion relevant to the topics covered during the week. After successful completion of the course, you will receive your CEU credits and a certificate.

This three-class is targeted for those people responsible for the development and maintenance of a Quality Management System meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, as well as key process owners. This class will provide a walk-through of the standard as well as point out major requirements and offer commentary on how to successfully implement them. We will also identify opportunities to use the standard to improve your organization and offer final thoughts on implementation.

Who Should Attend

Those who are new to their industry, job and ISO. This course would also be good for those individuals who have been removed from ISO for a while and need to update their knowledge base. Quality Managers and other quality staff and managers interested in implementing or improving their quality management system to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and use this approach to improve organizational performance would benefit from this class.


Attendees are required to have read and be familiar with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Attendees will be provided with a binder of presentation material. Attendees are required to bring their own copy of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.  Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • Quality, Systems and Standards
  • How ISO works
  • ISO Myths and Realities
  • ISO Concepts
    • Systems Thinking
    • Quality Concepts
    • Management, Leadership and Improvement
  • The Importance of Interested Parties and Context of the Organization
  • Design and documentation of your system
  • Importance of the Quality Manual and documented policies
  • Risk Management and your Business System
  • Competence
  • Operational Controls
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Corrective Action, Risk Management and Continual Improvement
  • Implementation Strategy and Tactics and avoiding common mistakes

Virtual ISO 14001:2015 Internal Auditor

Course Content

Our virtual training courses are the exact same material that is given in our public courses, just administered online. This format of training  will help reduce time away from your job while still obtaining the training that you need. You’ll receive all the same benefits of SRI’s classroom sessions but in a virtual classroom environment. Each week our instructor, who is a lead auditor, will host a live session via GotoMeeting to review questions and lead a discussion relevant to the topics covered during the week. After successful completion of the course, you will receive your CEU credits and a certificate.

SRI has prepared this six-week course to comprehensively cover the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and provide a practical understanding of how to implement and audit an Environmental Management System (EMS). It also includes an overview method for internal auditing. For those with established systems, it encourages upgrades to align with modern techniques and concepts of environmental management and business sustainability. The enhanced alignment and ability to integrate with other business management standards will be explored along with the risk-based approach specifically as it applies to system design and improvement, overall environmental management and internal auditing.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the ISO 14001:2015 standard.


Attendees will be provided with presentation material. Attendees are required to purchase their own copy of the ISO 14001:2015 standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.

Learning Objectives

  • ISO 14001:2015 Overview
  • Environmental Management System Overview
  • ISO 14001:2015 Clauses
  • Internal Auditing Overview
  • Examples and Case Studies

Virtual AS 9100 Revision D Internal Auditor

Course Content

Our virtual training courses are the exact same material that is given in our public courses, just administered online. This format of training  will help reduce time away from your job while still obtaining the training that you need. You’ll receive all the same benefits of SRI’s classroom sessions but in a virtual classroom environment. Each week our instructor, who is a lead auditor, will host a live session via GotoMeeting to review questions and lead a discussion relevant to the topics covered during the week. After successful completion of the course, you will receive your CEU credits and a certificate.

SRI training has organized this six-week training class to provide information that will assist your organization in developing and implementing an internal audit program as an important tool for your quality management system that meets the requirements of the AS 9100 Rev. D standard. This class is designed to assist students in gaining a greater understanding of the AS 9100 D standard and using that knowledge to implement an important tool for providing performance evaluation to management that leads to continual improvement. The course is based on guidance from ISO 19011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems which is the basis for all ISO system auditing. It is designed for individuals who are starting their internal audit journey as it presents basic information and scenarios as learning tools. The course is fast paced with considerable student interaction required for success. While designed for beginners to the subject, many former students return to refresh their skills and catch up on the latest auditing approaches.

Who Should Attend

This course is primarily designed for Quality Managers and personnel who want to advance their knowledge of the standard and internal auditing. This course will also be beneficial for Internal Auditors knowledgeable with AS9100 and/or individuals designated by their organization to become internal auditors to the AS9100 Standard.


Attendees are required to have read and are familiar with the AS 9100 Revision D standard.


Attendees will be provided with presentation material. Attendees are required to purchase their own copy of the AS 9100 Revision D standard. Standards will be available for purchase during the registration process.


Learning Objectives

  • Purpose of the Internal Audit
  • AS 9100 Revision D Requirements
  • Audit Terms and Definitions of ISO 19011:2011
  • Principles of Auditing ISO 19011:2011
  • Managing the Audit Program to ISO 19011:2011
  • Performing the Audit to ISO 19011:2011
  • Competence and Evaluation of Auditors
  • Case Studies

Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility - Webinar

Course Content

Concerns from and for customers, workforce, stakeholders, communities, and governments, as well as our resources and climate, have brought about a demand for transparent and socially-responsible practices and initiatives within organizations. Companies failing to consider their impact on the planet and their people will fall behind their competition as it becomes the standard.

It is simply not enough to maintain operational efficiency in business today. Organizations have a duty to recognize and address global causes for concern. Contributing to sustainable development is the main objective of Corporate Social Responsibility. This overarching goal is recognized by a combination of social equality, healthy ecosystems, and good organizational governance.

This webinar will provide an executive-level overview of CSR (also known as ESG or Sustainability) and will touch on what you need to know to ensure your organization is not only protected from CSR risks, but positioned to take advantage of CSR-related opportunities.

Who Should Attend

This session is appropriate for executives and managers responsible for Sustainability/Corporate Social Responsibility or executives and managers responsible for HR, Finance, Strategy, Purchasing, and Supply Chain Management.


There are no prerequisites are for this webinar.


No materials are required for this webinar.

Learning Objectives

This webinar will help participants understand CSR terminology, see how the various pieces fit together, and have a functional understanding of what you need to do in your organization.  We will cover:

  • What is CSR
  • The value of CSR to your business
  • The main CSR frameworks
  • How the various sustainability standards fit together
  • Steps to define your CSR strategy
  • CSR risks and opportunities
  • The latest trends in CSR
  • CSR reporting and legislation
  • The value of assurance
  • Resources to help you get started

LEED Project Executive Overview - Webinar

Course Content

In the larger picture of sustainability, the built environment is a component that can have a significant impact on your organization’s overall CSR Plan. By pursuing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification for your new and existing facilities, your company is affirming that you are conscious of the impact your buildings have on the planet and that you are enhancing your facilities to minimize that impact.

The LEED Certification program is a third-party review process that allows owners of eligible buildings to pursue certification based on the sustainable attributes of the building and site. LEED certification is an official recognition that your building meets the requirements of the United States Green Building Council’s LEED Rating Systems.

Who Should Attend

This session is appropriate for executives and managers responsible for Sustainability/Corporate Social Responsibility or executives and managers responsible for Facilities Operation and Management.


There are no prerequisites are for this webinar.


No materials are required for this webinar.

Learning Objectives

The LEED Project Executive Overview webinar will introduce you to the key components of the LEED and provide an overview of the certification process to enable your organization to make an informed decision regarding pursuing LEED certification. The following topics will be covered:

  • What is LEED
  • The LEED Rating Systems
  • The LEED Certification process
  • The data behind the business case for green building
  • Lessons learned
  • Additional incentives for LEED certification
  • Resources available to you moving forward

LEED Certification Kickoff - Webinar

Course Content

Now that you have decided to pursue LEED certification, the next step is to register and kickoff your project. Assembling your team and identifying your LEED goal early will also help you evaluate choices throughout the certification process with the most impact at the lowest cost.

The decision to pursue LEED certification does not need to be complicated or expensive if your team is proactive and informed. Documenting the sustainable strategies implemented by your project is an important part of LEED certification. Knowing how to efficiently navigate this process will reduce your costs by reducing delays and saving time.

Who Should Attend

Managers and associates involved in any aspect of a LEED project or managers and associates responsible for Facilities Operation and Management.


There are no prerequisites are for this webinar.


No materials are required for this webinar.

Learning Objectives

This webinar will walk you through the project documentation and review process from registration to certification, highlighting nuances that are commonly missed or misunderstood across LEED projects as seen by LEED Reviewers. This session will discuss:

  • Establishing LEED project details
  • Registering your project and understanding the Minimum Program Requirements
  • Campus and multiple building projects
  • Using LEED Online
  • Documenting your project strategies
  • The LEED review process
  • Resources available moving forward

LEED Project Tips - Documenting Integrative Process, Sustainable Sites, and Location & Transportation Credits - Webinar

Course Content

As a part of a LEED project team, you will be responsible for documenting your project in order to submit for review and ultimately, to achieve LEED certification. There are seven credit categories in the LEED Rating systems from which you can document criteria and attempt points. In each of these categories, there are prerequisites or credits that are regularly submitted with documentation issues that can be easily avoided with a better understanding of the requirements.

Who Should Attend

Managers and associates involved in any aspect of a LEED project or managers and associates responsible for Facilities Operation and Management.


There are no prerequisites are for this webinar.


No materials are required for this webinar.

Learning Objectives

This session will focus on the Integrative Process (IP), Sustainable Sites (SS), and Location and Transportation (LT) credit categories. We will discuss the following:

  • Documentation specific to the IP, SS, and LT credits
  • Clarification of the rating system requirements
  • Common errors and troublesome documentation
  • Use of publicly provided USGBC guidance

LEED Project Tips - Documenting the Water Efficiency Category - Webinar

Course Content

As a part of a LEED project team, you will be responsible for documenting your project in order to submit for review and ultimately, to achieve LEED certification. There are seven credit categories in the LEED Rating systems in which you can document criteria and attempt points. In each of these categories, there are prerequisites or credits that are regularly submitted with documentation issues that can be easily avoided with a better understanding of the requirements.

Who Should Attend

Managers and associates involved in any aspect of a LEED project or managers and associates responsible for Facilities Operation and Management.


There are no prerequisites are for this webinar.


No materials are required for this webinar.

Learning Objectives

This session will focus on the Water Efficiency (WE) category. We will discuss the following:

  • Documentation specific to the WE credits, including calculations
  • Clarification of the rating system requirements
  • Common errors and troublesome documentation
  • Use of publicly provided USGBC guidance

LEED Project Tips - Documenting the Energy and Atmosphere Category - Webinar

Course Content

As a part of a LEED project team, you will be responsible for documenting your project in order to submit for review and ultimately, to achieve LEED certification. There are seven credit categories in the LEED Rating systems in which you can document criteria and attempt points. In each of these categories, there are prerequisites or credits that are regularly submitted with documentation issues that can be easily avoided with a better understanding of the requirements.

Who Should Attend

Managers and associates involved in any aspect of a LEED project or managers and associates responsible for Facilities Operation and Management.


There are no prerequisites are for this webinar.


No materials are required for this webinar.

Learning Objectives

This session will focus on the Energy and Atmosphere (EA) category. We will discuss the following:

  • Documentation specific to the EA credits, including calculations
  • Energy modeling and the tools available to you
  • Clarification of the rating system requirements
  • Common errors and troublesome documentation
  • Use of publicly provided USGBC guidance

LEED Project Tips - Documenting the Indoor Environmental Quality and Innovation Categories - Webinar

Course Content

As a part of a LEED project team, you will be responsible for documenting your project in order to submit for review and ultimately, to achieve LEED certification. There are seven credit categories in the LEED Rating systems in which you can document criteria and attempt points. In each of these categories, there are prerequisites or credits that are regularly submitted with documentation issues that can be easily avoided with a better understanding of the requirements.

Who Should Attend

Managers and associates involved in any aspect of a LEED project or managers and associates responsible for Facilities Operation and Management.


There are no prerequisites are for this webinar.


No materials are required for this webinar.

Learning Objectives

This session will focus on the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and Innovation (IN) categories. We will discuss the following:

  • Documentation specific to the IEQ and IN credits
  • Strategies to use for the IN credits, including Pilot Credits and Exemplary Performance
  • Clarification of the rating system requirements
  • Common errors and troublesome documentation
  • Use of publicly provided USGBC guidance